D V Sathe & Co. Chartered Accountants
Navi mumbai
ph: +919324054038
Pune address:
Flat no 19-C, Shirine Garden,
ITI Road, Aundh
Pune 411007
Maharashtra, India
Our Office is located on the first floor in a quiet residential complex with ample parking and adequate security.
Landmarks: Parihar chowk,Opposite ITI, Next to Oriental Bank of Commerce
We are open Monday to Friday from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm and on Saturdays 10.00 to 3:00 pm
Call on t: +91-20-25885652 or +91-8793001848 for a prior appointment during office hours or write to e: info@dvsatheca.com or send us an enquiry in the following format with details of your requirements.
Copyright 2012 D V Sathe & Co. Chartered Accountants. All rights reserved.
D V Sathe & Co. Chartered Accountants
Navi mumbai
ph: +919324054038